SI SE PUEDE Women Owned Business Sticker


SI SE PUEDE Women Owned Business Sticker


Woman Owned Business, Sticker

In stock



You can help hundreds of girls in marginated neighborhoods get a better education! By buying one of these stickers for your self or a woman friend who owns a woman owned business you are actively helping the Soy Niña girl club foundation. JUST ONE STICKER  can help them buy 2 healthy snacks for the girls that attend their clubs. Sometimes they get there with an empty stomach… but  they are also yearning  for learning, playing and bonding . Volunteers at SOYNIÑA teach girls important values such as empathy, support, self care and the importance of continuing their education. Holalola donates 100% of the earnings through these SALES.

Thank you for joining the PODEROSA TEAM!!


Woman Owned Business, Sticker

Additional information

Weight 0.08 g
Dimensions 7 × 4 × 0.1 in